Caroline Van Damme, MD

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Caroline Van Damme is an adult psychiatrist and family and systemic psychotherapist. In 1995, she started to study neuroscience at Brandeis University, USA, where she discovered a passion for the human mind and its relationship to the brain. She transferred to the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium to get a medical degree. She became a psychiatrist in 2008. Since then, she has been working at the “Brussels Night Hospital”, specialized in the psychosocial rehabilitation for patients suffering from chronic psychotic disorders. She shares the vision that human beings should be regarded in all their dimensions (biological, psychosocial, spiritual and ecological), rather than a purely medical dimension. In her continuous quest to better understand mental illness and the human mind in general, she met Dr Nida Chenagstang in 2019, and became very inspired by his teachings in Sowa Rigpa but in the Yuthok Nyingtig as well and decided learn those with him. She hopes to be able to include traditional, nature-based and spiritual knowledge on mental health in a modern-day medical practice.

Services Offered

Find out what type of help you need: medical, psychological, psychotherapeutic, or other. I will listen to what the problem consists of exactly. Together we can think of all possibilities that exist for your specific situation and personality, considering the realities of the region where you live.

  • Psychotherapeutic advice.

  • Supervision for counsellors or therapists who need an external view on certain situations they encounter in their practice.

  • Short teachings on psychology, psychotherapy, counseling, etc.

Please note: I cannot give medical consultations, for this I forward to your local general practitioner or psychiatrist. This is because according to Belgian standards, I’m not allowed to practice medicine online unless I have met the patient in person for consultations before. The practice of psychiatry also varies widely around the world; therefore, it is preferable to consult with your local physician.