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Medicine Buddha Healing Meditation

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Medicine Buddha Healing Meditation

Guided Practice with Christiana Polites


According to the Tibetan calendar, the eighth day of the lunar month is the day of Medicine Buddha.

Join us on this special day for a guided Medicine Buddha healing meditation from Ju Mipham's Mantra Healing Treatise. This is a simple yet profound practice utilizing the power of mantra and visualization that can be used both for healing self and healing others. 

In addition to this Medicine Buddha practice, we will do the Yuthok Nyingthig “Eliminating Obstacles” practice. This is a very concise practice by Yuthok Yönten Gönpo, the “father of Tibetan Medicine” (considered to be an emanation of Medicine Buddha) for removing obstacles, especially to the practice of healing.

You may download both of these practice texts from the Digital Archive page of our publishing house, Sky Press.