Our code of conduct is framed in the The Common Ngöndro (preliminary practice), which is also known as The Four Thoughts That Turn the Mind to the Dharma. It is called the Common Ngöndro because it is generally meant for any kind of spiritual practitioner and leads one to reflect upon the meaning of life and see its true value. Our request of retreat attendees is to contemplate these four thoughts prior to and throughout retreat in order to see the true value of retreat for self and other. We have included a couple of prompts to help you begin this process.

The difficulty of achieving a precious human life

  • Why are you stepping away from your day-to-day life to attend retreat? What are you looking to gain from this precious retreat time at Pure Land Farms?

The impermanence of life

  • How can remembering that this retreat is impermanent, like all of life, inform your intentions and your experience at Pure Land Farms?

The natural law of cause and effect

  • Knowing that there are consequences for absolutely everything we do, say, and think, how can you demonstrate respect for the body, speech, and mind of self and other throughout your time at Pure Land Farms?

The consequences of living in samsara

  • What aspects of your cyclical daily existence are inspiring you to come to retreat? What would you like to practice at retreat instead of these cyclical actions, words, or thoughts?